The Importance of Beaches to the heritage (Birthright) of our Island Nation Jamaica
Our island nation of Jamaica or Xaymaca which means “land of wood and water” is our home that needs to be protected and preserved for all future generations. The beauty of Jamaica’s physical environment forms one of the major pillars of our heritage that is worth protecting. Our beaches are one of our greatest greatest treasured natural resources that enshrines this beauty and it belongs to all of us.
Our pristine and rustic beaches are themselves living entities and are part of the soul of our island nation. They are limited and fragile environmental entities that need to be cherished. Some of our fondest holiday memories, spiritual awakening and inspiration happen on our beaches. Our fisherfolks help feed this nation from the sea. Part of our darkest history can be told on the beaches of Jamaica on which our enslaved ancestors landed and were dehumanized by slavery.
Injustices like slavery can never be overlooked, neither can the denial to enjoy our beach birthright. It is now for us to preserve the rights to access, use and enjoy all of Jamaica’s beaches for all generations to come. We believe that our beaches are not only a gateway to the world and should be accessible to everyone, but are part of our heritage that is being robbed by special interest groups and unjust government schemes in the name of development through the creation of exclusive economic zones. These segregationists policies (similar to what prevailed under the South African apartheid regime) are destroying one of Jamaica’s greatest beauty and hurting the beach environment which is a living entity.
JaBBEM is determined to free all the beaches of Jamaica for all to enjoy including our international guests, and to advocate for a constitutional amendment to grant environmental personhood to our beaches to ensure their preservation for future generations to experience.
Don't let them rob our beaches!!!
Hey World !!! If you come to Jamaica to experience our culture, our Irie vibration, our cool runnings; if you come to Jamaica to feel alright then show us ‘One Love’ and help us free our beaches and protect our environmental heritage.
Irie Love.